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Saturday, November 23, 2019

PUBG LITE Exclusive Mode Added Now PATCH NOTE: 21 November 2019

Welcome to Periverka

Play a fierce game with 7 other players and hone your shooting skills in Periverka!

Periverka provides a close-quarters landscape and item drops where players can practice tactics and strategies to approach enemies in proximity. Find the best way to outsmart the enemies in a fast-paced environment.

Join us now for a quick game in the latest mode added exclusively to PUBG LITE!
We can’t wait to see you all in Periverka.


 At the lobby, select PLAY ▶ ARCADE MATCH ▶ OPTION ▶ PERIVERKA ▶ Confirm, then START.


Total of 8 players enter Periverka to battle as SOLO.

  • Time limit: 10 minutes
  • Kills to win: 20 Kills
  • FPP/SOLO mode only


  • First to reach 20 kills wins.
  • If the time limit is over for the round, the player with the most kills wins.
  • When a tie occurs, the player that inflicted the most damage wins.


  • Players will start out in the “Starting Sector” where they will have 90 seconds to select their weapons and attachments.
  • At the end of 90 seconds, all players will be moved to the “War Zone” and the match begins.
  • All players will be randomly spawned inside or on the roof of the Periverka building.
  • Once the match begins, you cannot go back to the Starting Sector.
  • At the start of the match, players are provided with the following: Lv1 backpack, Lv1 helmet, Lv1 armored vest.


(Same as 4VS4 Match)

  • Health recovers automatically 7 seconds after the last hit.
  •  After the 7 seconds, health will recover in intervals of 10% per second until the maximum recovery level of 75% is reached.
  •  You can acquire boost items in the War Zone to recover HP.
  • Boost item types: Energy Drink, Painkiller, Adrenaline Syringe


  • Players will revive 5 seconds after death, with 2 seconds of invincibility.
  • No player crate is left behind when a player dies.
  • When you revive, you will be equipped with the same weapons and ammo you had at the moment of death. 


  • There are two posts at either side of the building where you can switch weapons.
  • There is no ammo at these posts.
  • Lv 1~3 gear, boost items and ammo can be obtained from the floor in the War Zone.
  •  Ammo types: 5.56MM, 7.62MM, 9MM, 12 Gauge, 0.45ACP
  • There is a Supply Tower on the building rooftop where you can obtain the AUG and Groza.
  • Drop Time:
  • After 2 minutes of play time: AUG
  • After 3 minutes of play time: Groza
  • A system message is shown on the upper-left corner of the screen 30 seconds before AUG and Groza spawns.
  • When a player obtains the AUG/Groza weapon, the system message disappears.
  • If you die after obtaining the supply tower weapon, you will respawn equipped with the same weapon.


  • BP rewards are given after the match ends.
  • Kill reward: 5 BP per kill
  • Game end reward: 30 BP
  • Ranking reward:
  • 1st Place: 80 BP
  • 2nd Place: 50 BP
  • 3rd Place: 30 BP
  • If all players leave the match and the round ends, the last player remaining will receive 80 BP.
  • Players that leave mid-match will not receive the BP reward.


Challenge Mission for this new mode in Periverka has been added where you can test your skills.

Other Updates

■   Canted Sight Update

  • Canted Sight animation has been optimized for when shooting and when character is in motion.
  • Added a new crosshair when using the Canted Sight to help players easily identify which scope they have equipped.
  • When using your main scope, you will see the standard crosshair as a ‘+’.
  • When using the Canted Sight, the crosshair will show as an ‘X’.

  • UI has been added to indicate high or low angle when holding throwable weapons.

■   FPP Camera Position Change

  • Weapon has been moved downward from FPP mode field of vision for better view. 

■   Vehicle Dashboard Upgrade

  • Several vehicles’ dashboard quality has been upgraded for better driving experience in FPP mode.
  • Changes made for: Pickup, UAZ, Bike, Minibus, Buggy, Dacia, Rony

■   HP UI Upgrade

  • Optimized HP recovery animation to look more natural.

New Items

■   Rockstar Crate
  • Period: November 21st ~ December 12th

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the issue where the sound of other character’s parachute landing from far away can be heard.
  • Fixed the issue of disappearing throwables when riding a vehicle.
  • Fixed the issue of HP UI information sync for spectating user.
  • Fixed the issue where steel sound can be heard when shooting at Miramar Power Grid. 
  • Fixed the issue of levitating object at certain locations in Miramar.

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